Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New link added to the site

Really can't manage to write too much now. Molly had a great christmas - thank you Santa for all her great presents. She started at nursery yesterday, which was momentous for all of us. Although Molly didn't seem too bothered. She did however bring home an incredible piece of artwork - very much in the style of Pollock. When I get round to it, I'll photograph it and add it to the blog. It may increase in value as the years go by, as it is really her first piece of artwork.

Anyway - the big news is that I have finally added "Molly's Tune" to the links on the right hand side of the blog. Please visit this site and let us all know how much you enjoy the tune that was inspired by Molly, and written by our lovely friend Bernard Hughes!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Auntie Christine and gifts! Posted by Picasa

Ma Cousine Marie, et ma tante Victoria Posted by Picasa

Grandpa Kellett all exhausted Posted by Picasa

Looking for Bill and Ben Posted by Picasa

Out at the swings Posted by Picasa

My friend Jemima, testing out my playmat Posted by Picasa

Wahey!!! Posted by Picasa

Hat at a very "fashionable" angle Posted by Picasa

Pull harder at the cracker, Grandpa Posted by Picasa

With my Uncle Nick Posted by Picasa

Another tough day at the office Posted by Picasa

With great uncle Michael and G Auntie Christine Posted by Picasa

One day I hope to have as many chins as you Uncle Chris Posted by Picasa

More presents in here? Posted by Picasa

What, more presents???!!! Posted by Picasa

Finally - the giants bib gets it's first run out on Christmas day! Posted by Picasa

Nice Hat Grandpa! Posted by Picasa

Lots of ribbon at Christmas Posted by Picasa

With Grandpa Sharp!! Posted by Picasa

Look at my lovely stocking Posted by Picasa

A present from her first suitor, Oliver George Posted by Picasa

Uncle Chris Posted by Picasa

This looks like a very breakable book Posted by Picasa

A lovely pair of shoes for Cinderella Posted by Picasa

With new teddy bear Posted by Picasa