Sunday, October 23, 2005

the other Jemima in her life Posted by Picasa

again with Miss Tiggywinkle Posted by Picasa

With Miss Tiggywinkle Posted by Picasa

with Pigling Bland Posted by Picasa

Richard's women Posted by Picasa

Kathryn & little Jemima Hodges Posted by Picasa

Grandpa & Molly in the garden Posted by Picasa

neither up nor down Posted by Picasa

halfway up the hill Posted by Picasa

Grasmere Posted by Picasa

the start of the great mountain climb Posted by Picasa

country scenery - there is some in England Posted by Picasa

fashion moment Posted by Picasa

being eaten by a coq Posted by Picasa

in the luxury bath Posted by Picasa

the sharp girls Posted by Picasa

Just arrived in our luxury pub Posted by Picasa

Great Auntie Florence Posted by Picasa

Almost all the family Sharpe (minus Campbell & Maddie) Posted by Picasa

Some serious fighting Posted by Picasa

Drew, Alex & Meggie Posted by Picasa

Drew & Meggie Posted by Picasa

young Meggie - crawling at 9 months Posted by Picasa

Russ & Meggie Posted by Picasa

the American Cousins in the clubhouse Posted by Picasa