Monday, September 05, 2005

The first smile

Hello all avid readers of the daily (monthly) Mollygraph. It's late on a Monday night , and your correspondent is wishing that all weeks had a bank holiday at the start (don't we all?). Anyway, I am sure most of you aren't that fussed about what I have to say and are much more interested in the photos of our lovely daughter.

I thought it worth saying, that after a particularly fraught day at work, to come home at about half-eight and walk up the stairs to be greeted by a beaming smile from my daughter has to be one of the most life-affirming things that can happen to a man. I am almost crying thinking about it now. Hopefully some of the most recent photos will give you an idea of how quickly she is developing!

We had a lovely weekend up at family Sharp in Warwickshire, even though it was far too hot for Molly in the car on the way up the motorway. She arrived absolutely soaked through with sweat, which can't be good for her (Don't tell the Social!) We were royally entertained, and Molly particularly enjoyed her bath with Uncle Nick, and his first experience of half-changing a nappy!

She's now well on her way to 11 lbs, and very very long, with huge feet! Her latest discovery of the evening is how to curl out one of her fingers and put it in her mouth (as opposed to the entire fist, which was the previous closest she could get to satisfaction)

Juanita is thoroughly enjoying having her friend Kathryn join her on maternity leave over the past week, and is delighting in telling her "ghost" stories about labour, none of which are true - don't panic!

Daddy was in Houston for a few days last week (week before hurricane Katrina actually), which was far too hot & sweaty, and he missed Molly a lot - I'm sure she produced her first smile on my return.

anyway, I'm rattling on - please enjoy the photos and keep the feedback coming in (don't be an anonymous browser!)


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